Remortgaging with Bad Credit: A Guide

Is it possible to remortgage with bad credit?

The short answer is: yes, it is possible. While it may be more challenging than for someone with a good credit score, it’s not impossible.

Understanding Remortgaging

Remortgaging is the process of refinancing your existing mortgage with a new loan. This can be done for various reasons, such as:

  • Lower interest rates: If interest rates have fallen, remortgaging can help you save money on your monthly payments.
  • Debt consolidation: You can use a remortgage to consolidate other debts and potentially reduce your overall interest payments.
  • Home improvements: Remortgaging can provide the funds needed for home renovations.

Remortgaging with Bad Credit

If you have a bad credit score, you may face higher interest rates and stricter lending criteria. However, there are still options available. Here are some tips:

  1. Improve Your Credit Score: While it may take time, improving your credit score can significantly increase your chances of securing a remortgage. Pay your bills on time, reduce your debt-to-income ratio, and avoid applying for new credit.
  2. Consider Specialist Lenders: There are lenders who specialize in providing mortgages to borrowers with bad credit. They may have more flexible criteria and be willing to consider your application despite a lower credit score.
  3. Offer Additional Security: To mitigate the lender’s risk, you may need to offer additional security, such as a guarantor or a second charge on your property.
  4. Be Patient and Persistent: The remortgaging process may take longer, and you may need to negotiate with multiple lenders. Be patient and persistent in your search.


Remortgaging with bad credit is possible, but it requires careful planning and research. By improving your credit score, considering specialist lenders, and offering additional security, you can increase your chances of securing a mortgage.

Remember: It’s always advisable to seek professional advice from a mortgage broker who can help you navigate the process and find the best options for your specific circumstances.

Would you like to know more about specific lenders or interest rates for bad credit remortgages?

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